Saturday, February 14, 2009

Dean Keeps on Dyring, Why?

I watched the replay episode of Supernatural last night, which is entitled "Mystery Spot." What made this episode interesting was Dean Winchester, one of the lead roles in this TV paranormal series, was repeatedly dying on a Tuesday. His younger brother, Sam, was all in frustration as he couldn't understand what's really going on.

I don't watch Supernatural on a regular basis but this episode glued me for some important reasons. Watching this episode made me think. How come someone and a good psychic like Dean Winchester die and be alive again? Look like a twirling puzzle for these two brothers in crime. As the ending approaches, the big reason behind Dean Winchester's mysterious deaths was the time-machine man or what they refer as the Trickster wanted to send an important message to Sam that "Sometimes you've just gotta let people go."

Painful but truthful insight right there, eh? Along this ground what everybody calls life, unexpected twists unfold everyday and no matter what you do, the people you think can grow old with you can die in an instant. That's life, anyway. It's like a puff of a smoke. Sometimes, it's there, sometimes, it's not there.

The final scene of this episode was a cliffhanger. Sam woke up on a Wednesday morning and Dean was alive again.

Sam: I had a weird dream.

Dean: Yeah? Clowns or midgets?

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