Saturday, September 20, 2008

Goodbye, Chev!

Chev Macias made a huge history as she was the first voted-out castaway in Survivor Philippines.

For the full story, read here.

"She talks too much."

This might be the biggest weakness of Chev Macias and the reason behind her departure. In the game of Survivor, you can talk freely but you must still remember that it's a whole cut-throat game and whatever words came out from your mouth is held against you. Chev was an awesome castaway and displayed a certain level of competitive energy during their first immunity challenge. Her only mistake was, she wasn't listening to anyone. She only talks and listens to her own voice, which might be a good thing in some ways but this is really a big crime in the game of SURVIVOR.

Chev's annoying personality towards her other fellow castaways such as Vevherly, JC and Kaye was a bad strategy. Survivor is not a game where you can immediately take down the affluent and the beautiful. The game is not about mercy; truth is, it's mainly about deceptive conspiracies and win the money.

Again, Survivor is a game of words and actions. Talking is a nice strategy to outwit, outplay and outlast your opponents but when it's done excessively, you can step on somebody's toe without knowing that your head is already on the chopping board.

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