Thursday, May 29, 2008

Being Separated By A Block.... This is A Crazy Title, huh?

I'm trying to recover from an unexpected writer's block today. Maybe I'm just tired. It's time for me to chill out. That's why, I'm posting this blog entry. Nothing to do. Waiting for the ideas to flow. Wishing after ten minutes, I can squeeze on some ideas for my tasks. Geez, my topic is somehow boring, about cellphones. I'm not a "techie geek," I'm just a "trendy nerd." Weeeheee!!!!

Nothing to do. Better to post this heartbreaking song by my man, Usher. This soulful single is taken from his third album, 8701. I have one at home, sad to say, it's only a cassette tape. That sounds old school, right? But enjoy the song. It's good and emo, taking you back to the old awe-suck days of huhuhuhu while having those sleepless nights, feeling unwell and incomplete.

This song is very therapeutic to me... I'm sure it will be my theme song for the moment.

And before I go, tell me what you think of the song. Just leave a comment. Say anything you want to say. It's a democratic country after all. Just don't be rude or else you'll get screwed... Peace and Love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[url= ]Горло болит.. [/url]
Девочки, третий день часто бегаю в туалет, подозреваю, что простудила мочевой пузырь(вечером перед этим очень сильно насквозь промочила ноги и еще час ходила с мокрыми ногами по холоду, в тряпочных балетках, когда пришла домой думала , что они у меня атрофировались)Рези при мочеиспускании нет, но вчера сильно тянуло поясницу.Может ко что порекомендует?я понимаю, что лучше сходить ко врачу, но все же))Раньше был цистит и один раз также самое,пила курсом фурагин.И вот вновь.