Friday, July 18, 2008

The Most Delicious Cup of Coffee

A heartwarming thanks to my co-worker AUBREY for giving SURVIVOR INSIGHTS this cool bacon.

Peace and love!


Anonymous said...

read your comment in aby's blog. I don't think it's controversy that drives people to your page. although i think it plays a part but i don't think it gets the lead role.

you have interesting posts and even if we don't exactly share the same interests, your posts are worth reading. so keep them coming...

hahaha... speder jud...

Anonymous said...

hi dean. i heard you need some help in generating blog hits. well, i can help you with that. haha. i'll add you to my blogroll, provided that you add me to yours. haha. (evil laugh).

just in case you're in, here's the URL:

happy blogging!

Dean Ryan Martin said...

TY sunburnfreezerburn, that's cool of you.

And kat, yes i need some help in generating blog hits, teach me how. hehehe