Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What Your Zodiac Symbol Tells You?

Most people, myself included, don't believe in horoscopes. Way back in high school and college, I really don't believe in those matters. Horoscopes are nothing but a delusion of humanity.

But, as years fly by, I've learned that there's nothing wrong if I am going to believe in horoscopes. After taking a lot of psychological tests way back in college, I discovered that there's this thin line of consistency between these horoscopes and your personality fluids.

Somehow but not entirely the capsule of truth, these horoscopes or rather be called as zodiac symbols can tell something about you and your relationship with your family, brothers, sisters, spouse, best friend, relatives etc.

From what I've read, two people can have a nicer relationship if their personality fluids blend with each other. How? I might not know the answer behind it but it seems true to say that "Different poles attract each other."

Aries: Fire: March 21 - April 19
Taurus: Earth: April 20 - May 20
Gemini: Air: May 21 - June 21
Leo: Fire: July 23 - August 22
Virgo: Earth: August 23 - September 22
Libra: Air: September 23 - October 22

Scorpio: Water: October 23 - November 21
Sagittarius: Fire: November 22 - December 21
Capricorn: Earth: December 22 - January 19
Aquarius: Air: January 20 - February 18
Pisces: Water: February 19 - March 20

Interpretations of the four elements

Fire and Air signs are positive or extrovert, masculine signs; while Water and Earth signs are negative, introvert, feminine signs.

Fire Signs--Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius--

Fire represents one's desires and creative energies. The Fire signs are associated with action, passion, energy, and heat, and people with a lot of fire in their make up are confident, bright, warm, exciting, and easily take the initiative. In combination with the other elements, fire feels that earth will smother it, water will douse it, but air will fan and enliven it. It is the element of focus and prosperity.

Earth Signs--Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn--

Earth represents one's material resources, environment and possessions. The Earth signs are associated with sensation, stability and practicality, and people with a lot of earth in their make up are solid, dependable, thorough, responsible, cautious, overexertive, overprotective, and quiet. In combination with the other elements, earth feels that air will suffocate it, fire will burn it, but water will refresh and nourish it. It is the element of strength and growth.

Air Signs--Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius--

Air represents the intellect and one's ability to reason and communicate. The Air signs are associated with thought, perspective, hastiness, and communication, and people with a lot of air in their make up are intellectual, objective, lively, idealistic and articulate. In combination with the other elements, air feels that water will obscure it, earth will suffocate it, but fire will inspire and uplift it. It is the element of agility and beauty.

Water Signs--Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces--

Water represents imagination, human feelings and one's ability to love and sustain. The Water signs are associated with growth processes, imagination, identification and emotion, and people with a lot of water in their make up are sensitive, seductive, intuitive, imaginative, insightful, secretive, loving, learned, and moody. In combination with the other elements, water feels that fire will make it boil, air will evaporate it, but earth will shape and channel it. It is the element of healing and spirit.

Important note: All the interpretations above are taken from and should not be taken seriously. Those are simply possibilities, treat it only as your guide to unlock the door of obscurity. It may be true or not. And folks, Life is always a choice and it always takes two to tango, right?


Aweng Moral - Basco said...

Yes, possibilities..

But they do sometimes come close. I was once an avid follower of zodiac and all other things mystical.

It's ok if you're just having fun with these. What makes these things scary is when other people live their lives based on what was written in today's horoscope.

I also have quite some interest in heavenly bodies. Maybe reading more on what makes up astrology could help one gain a deeper understanding of these things.

True or not, you be the judge :)

Never forget to keep the Important Note in mind. :)

Dean Ryan Martin said...

That's right, awengmoralbasco!

In this complicated world, we need to look things in both sides. We need to play fair and see things in 2 ways.

Science can explain everything but there's still several mysteries hidden inside the pandora's box.

Thanks for reading!

Darlyn said...

water feels that fire will make it boil, air will evaporate it,

this statement is true not only to water signs... all people can be an initiator of things they want according to their motives.. we can get some lesson from horoscope but not just purely depend on it.

According to my friend horoscope is work of evil.. and one way to deceive people..

Dean Ryan Martin said...

That's a nice point of view, darlyn!

Everything in this world has two sides and we always have the choice to do what we believe what is right.

Peace out!