Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Protect Your Internal Body Defenses!

If the skin is our external body covering that protects us from the harmful rays of the environment such as heat, cold, physical pain, noise, and burn, our immune system is our internal body defenses against those invisible bacteria and viruses we inhale and exhale from our everyday surroundings.

Think about this? If you inhale and exhale different types of bacteria sometimes, how deadly will it be if you are a chain smoker?

The article posted below can be also read in Frank Muller's The Weight Loss Blog


How To Boost Your Immune System? Regularly Eat The Right Kind Of Food

People are always sick during the cold months. Anywhere you go, someone will sniff, cough and sneeze. You can’t do anything to stop the onset of cold and flu season but you can always do something to boost your immunity and fight those invisible germs gliding in your way. Fact is, the immune system hugely relies on the right food you eat regularly.

You think that nuts are only great during snacks? Think twice. Nuts have vitamins, fiber, protein, nutrients, and antioxidants that can absolutely boost your immune system. In fact, recent studies reveal that nuts can lower your body cholesterol effects in your body. The next you go out for a snack, eat peanuts or add veggies to it to take advantage of their benefits.

Fruits and Vegetables

A healthy dose of fruits and veggies can really help stay fit and healthy. For this reason, regularly fill your fridge with fresh fruits and veggies rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, and immune saving antioxidants. Veggies like broccoli, and bright leafy greens are also great in fighting colds. Problem is, you don’t eat vegetables? Sprinkle them into your pasta dishes, soups, smoothies, and sauces to produce a vitamin rich meal or snack.

Don’t you know that garlic has the ability to clear your nasal passages? This can also lower your risk of heart disease and some cancers.

Sometimes, it’s also good to splurge and throw some beef into your diet. The red meat is packed with zinc that strengthen your immune system. Your regular meals should include chicken, fish, and dairy products to keep you strong.


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